The Ting Tings – Hands – Video Testo Traduzione

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Uscirà l’undici ottobre il nuovo singolo “Hands” dei Ting Tings.Il duo electro-pop-rock inglese proverà a riprendersi la vetta della chart inglese,già ottenuta con il disco d’esordio “We Started Nothing” del 2008, con il secondo album “Kunst” di cui al momento non si conosce la data di pubblicazione.Il brano che andremo ad ascoltare è stato prodotto da Calvin Harris che ha attinto a piene mani dal sound synth-pop degli anni ’80.Sono in difficoltà nell’esprimere un parere(e non solo perchè non sono un critico all’altezza).Il pezzo mette allegria ed è ben fatto(video incluso),ma l’entusiasmo si affievolisce appena penso che c’è una bella differenza tra omaggiare i propri idoli(in un piccolo passaggio del brano ad esempio) ed invece fare un “copia e incolla” selvaggio.





Two hands
I wanna play the piano with two hands
Shoulda learned
To ask of many it’s the way of the world
Boy who you wanna here to me
You gave me a piano with all 88 keys
But two hands
What’s it gonna do
With two hands
To make the money like the richest of man
What’s a guy to do
With two hands
I can make you be so good to me
Give me all the time with my sexuality

So clap your hands if you’re working to hard
Clap your hands if you’re working to hard
Clap your hands if you’re working to hard
Clap your hands if you’re working to hard
And the beats so hard, your working working

Two hands
What your supposed to do with two hands
To get the life of the richest of man
Where you supposed to go with two hands
I can not but something in between
When i’m breaking my back and i’m on my knees

So clap your hands if you’re working to hard
Clap your hands if you’re working to hard
Clap your hands if you’re working to hard
Clap your hands if you’re working to hard
And the beats so hard, your working working

And I can’t escape from the work in LA
And I can’t sleep in my bed and your gay
And clap your hands if you’re working to hard
Clap your hands if you’re working to hard

You see life and its falling awayayay
Your slow down and the rest makes you payayay
I see you lookin up
You want to think about it

Clap your hands if you’re working to hard
Clap your hands if you’re working to hard
Clap your hands if you’re working to hard
And the beats so hard, your working working

And I can’t escape from the work in LA
And I can’t sleep in my bed and your gay
And clap your hands if you’re working to hard
Clap your hands if you’re working to hard



in arrivo…


Voto 6/10


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The Ting Tings – Hands – Video Testo Traduzioneultima modifica: 2010-09-21T18:22:00+02:00da lesto1982
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