Denise – Burning Flames – Video Testo


Alla fine di ottobre uscirà il primo album di Denise(all’anagrafe Denise Galdo da Salerno) intitolato “Dodo,do!”.Nel primo singolo “Burning Flames” mette in mostra una voce quasi da bambina e sonorità soft-pop perfette come sottofondo per un’audio-libro di una qualsiasi fiaba.




TESTO in arrivo…



Voto 7/10

Denise – Burning Flames – Video Testoultima modifica: 2010-10-13T22:49:00+02:00da lesto1982
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Un pensiero su “Denise – Burning Flames – Video Testo

  1. Burning flames
    (Denise Galdo, Alessandro di Liegro)
    One day, I’m quite sure
    I’ll be the really being
    of your burning flames,  what
    you like and you hate
    your hidden wishes
    all your burning flames
    your burning flames
    it’s just, my way
    Every hour is running out
    every minutes’s just spent
    If you like me like I am
    be my start and I’ll be your end
    What do you think about Flaubert?
    about the passion and the charm
    they’re your burning flames, Oh oh
    a thousand words in your tea
    we dive in it like in a sea
    I’m your burning flames
    your burning flames
    Every hours’re running out
    every minutes’s just spent
    If you like me like I am
    be my start and I’ll be your end
    it’s just, my way to taste your desires
    it’s just, to have your care
    (From album Dodo, do! – Al Kemi Records – Ala Bianca – Warner)

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