Lesto82-Music Blog

The Menzingers – Gates – Video Testo Traduzione


“On The Impossible Past” è il terzo cd dei The Menzingers,pubblicato lo scorso 21 febbraio.La band di Scranton in Pennsylvania cerca la sua strada in un genere che ha già dato tutto e lo fa con un concept sul diventare adulti.Un buon lavoro ben equilibrato tra pezzi piu’ vivaci ed altri pervasi di malinconia.Qui ascoltiamo il secondo singolo “Gates”,dimostrazione che il punk-pop ha ancora le sue carte da giocare,con una linea melodica davvero riuscita.



i am the pain that bleeds through your temples
every morning when you wake up
i am the boy with alcohol poisoning
from all the parties chris would throw
that summer that they took us in
like every other american
for getting drunk in back of the lion’s club
waiting for the sh*tty bands to finish up
then some kids played hacky sack
while the others just got high

it’s not hard to fall for a waitress
when you both smoke, smoke the same cigarettes
you’ll get seated as diners lovers
you’ll get the check as friends for the better
you’ll carve your names into the paupack cliffs
just read them when you get old enough to know
that happiness is just a moment

so i’m marching up to your gates today
to throw my lonely soul away
’cause i don’t need it
you can take it back

and they will make examples out of us
like when they caught you in the cvs parking lot
but i fed the liars
i fed the liars
i fed the liars
everything i got
everything i got in my cabinet brain
of canned thoughts
it was everything i’ve got
everything i’ve got
in my cabinet brain
in my cabinet brain

so i’m marching up to your gates today
to throw my lonely soul away
’cause i don’t need it
you can take it back


Voto 7/10


The Menzingers – Gates – Video Testo Traduzioneultima modifica: 2012-03-15T00:12:00+01:00da
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