Bravestation – Western Thrills – Video Testo Traduzione


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Un altro debutto di una band canadese che cattura da subito l’attenzione degli addetti ai lavori.Si tratta dei Bravestation,indie dream-pop con chitarre docili e percussioni tribal-pop dosati perfettamente e che assieme alla voce di Devin  Wilson creano un insieme di dolcezza malinconica a cui è difficile sfuggire.Il primo album “Giants & Dreamers” è disponibile qui per l’ascolto e addirittura il singolo “Western Thrills”  è in download gratuito.



I’m anchored in your eyes & I have to know / Are you headed for the thrills of the western shores
Why are you always running / Don’t go
I fought for all that we had / Pictures of us all learning
Hunters would love what we have / You keep us all up learning

Artless summer you had it all
Heartless summer youʼve had it all
With the bones of the lonely we lay
I have to follow you / I have to follow through

Mystic mile had a wishing well where you could call me a controller
The morning of the night that I broke the spell you said don’t drink the river
Dance on the ice above the only thing I love
Iʼm a youthful man caught inside a poor old thing and I wonʼt taste the river

I’ll be right there / I’ll be right there just to show you how much I care Youʼre running to the start / Youʼre always on my mind
Youʼre running through the dark / Youʼre hunting all my time


Voto 7/10


Bravestation – Western Thrills – Video Testo Traduzioneultima modifica: 2012-09-09T14:32:00+02:00da lesto1982
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