Lesto82-Music Blog

Moseek – Pills – Video Testo Traduzione


Nei primi mesi del 2012 è uscito “Yes,Week-end”,il secondo disco dei Moseek,il terzetto indie electro-rock romano di cui guardiamo la clip del singolo “Pills”,a dir poco travolgente.



when it rains, all traffic stops
when you laugh at all your jokes
I’m a peeved and teased girl
when you’re wearing a nightdress in the sun

my brain blows out when you arrive
when you seem Good Samaritan
could you please let me know
when it will be convenient for you?

when you think that your shit is gold
armed robbery: and your hands are full
could you please let me know
when it will be convenient for you?
for you?
remember me to your mother!
misfortunes never come alone
one cannot draw blood from a stone

sudden attack
oh! when you laugh

when it rains all traffic stops
it was a bitter pill
it was a bitter pill to swallow

when you think that your shit is gold
until then we must stay calm
but that was when it all
when it all
started to
to go wrong

thank you, God, for this “nob”
that’s very kind of you
for this man, man of God
well I never!
and sudden attack!


Voto 7/10


Moseek – Pills – Video Testo Traduzioneultima modifica: 2012-12-24T18:48:00+01:00da
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