Sam Amidon – As I Roved Out – Video Testo Traduzione


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Prosegue sul sentiero indie-folk,il cantautore 32enne Sam Amidon,americano del Vermont.E’ uscito il quarto album “Bright Sunny South” introdotto dalle note del singolo “As I Roved Out” in cui la sua voce graffiante è la protagonista.Un vero incanto.



As I roved out
On a cold winter’s night
Drink enough sweet wine
I spared that girl
Sweet little girl
Who broke this heart of mine
What is it, banjo?

‘Cause she tell like some red roses
That grows in a month after no, vice advice I mean strongly
That’s all it sung, sung to
What is it, banjo?

I’ve raced to the morgue but I never been born
But damn when I was young I never wanna kiss, sure red to the lips
I heard your lying tongue
What is it, banjo?

Oh the green green grass
Trampled under foot
The rising moon again

Her loving is a careless thing
Did you rather feel such pain?


Voto 7/10


Sam Amidon – As I Roved Out – Video Testo Traduzioneultima modifica: 2013-08-04T13:07:00+02:00da lesto1982
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