Oliver Wilde – Perrett’s Brook – Video Testo Traduzione



oliver wilde cd2014Il cantautore britannico 25enne Oliver Wilde ha debuttato l’anno scorso con l’album “A Brief Introduction To Unnatural Light”,acclamato dalla critica per canzoni come “Perrett’s Brook”,emozioni espresse con efficaci sonorità electro-acustiche.Tra qualche mese uscirà il secondo album che sicuramente troverà di nuovo post(o) su questo blog.




Perretts Brook got shook up
I’ll see you two months from now
And I hope it tastes the same
I’ve come from where you came
And I’ve herd your songs of pain
And I feel the same sometimes

Perretts Brook got shook up
I can you see your tyre marks
And road signs glow in the dark
You feel it closing in
The dashboard is shinning
All fairy lit and tragic

Perretts Brook got shook up
Headlights melt the frost
Beating down on the ground
Night she blankets in
Covering as you tread
Way out into you spirit



Voto 8/10



Oliver Wilde – Perrett’s Brook – Video Testo Traduzioneultima modifica: 2014-05-25T12:44:14+02:00da lesto1982
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