Hot Chip – Huarache Lights – Video Testo Traduzione



hot chip cd2015Tornano con il sesto album dal 18 maggio gli Hot Chip.Si intitola “Why Make Sense?” e segna il ritorno dopo 3 anni della formazione synth-pop londinese guidata da Alexis Taylor che si era preso una pausa per un album solista.Ascoltiamo il travolgente singolo “Huarache Lights”, in cui sembrano aggiustare il tiro verso un qualcosa di più radiofonico,ma senza perdere in qualità e inventiva.




When I see the beams of
Those huarache lights
I know every single thing
Will be just right

I know every single
We play tonight
Will make the people
Just bathe in the light
Just bathe in the light
Bathe in the light

So I can see
I got something here
That you don’t ever want to turn down
I got something for your mind
Your body, and your soul
Every day of my life
Every day of my life

Machines are great, but
Best when they come to life
You can burn your finger on
The pulse of the light

There’s nothing to touch and
There’s nothing to hold
Am I so truthful
Or in truth
Is the youth just getting old?

Replace us with the things
That do the job better

So I can see
I got something for your mind
Your body, and your soul
Every day of my life
Every day of my life



Voto 7/10


Hot Chip – Huarache Lights – Video Testo Traduzioneultima modifica: 2015-02-17T18:08:12+01:00da lesto1982
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