Django Django – First Light – Video Testo Traduzione



django django cd2015Uscirà a maggio il secondo album Django Django “Born Under Saturn”,seguito dell’acclamato debut eponimo del 2012.La formazione electro-rock inglese non poteva ripresentarsi meglio col singolo “First Light”,cantilena contagiosa ma  senza derive iper-commerciali.




Sending out a signal from the city we went
Towards a future that is greener than the money we spend
Discover beaches buried deeper underneath the cement
Look down through the cracks for the gold that they’re hiding
Got in feel the wind that move through clothes that we walk
But we climb tighter through the hell spawn ’till we reach a new shore
More to be nourished by the heat that radiates in the stars
Like down in the sun and get something for nothing

[Chorus x2:]
First light, the fields are ablaze
Cut through the maze, light it up quicker
Each day, never the same
Never again, get in the picture

Water falls around us and it flows where it likes
We like the current going forward and give into the fight
We cast our net and come to settle, now the ocean’s inside
Sit back and flow down through this air that we’re breathing
While they grow up day dreams into the heat of the sun
We’re reaching taller by the hillside where the water is sprung
We take the path of least resistance on the life we begun
Lay down in the sun and get something for nothing

[Chorus x2]

Complacencies know our name forever but
We never knew its game till later
The higher we are the further we will fall

[Chorus x2]



Voto 7/10


Django Django – First Light – Video Testo Traduzioneultima modifica: 2015-02-25T10:20:14+01:00da lesto1982
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