Lesto82-Music Blog

Letting Up Despite Great Faults – Visions – Video Testo Traduzione


“Visions” è il primo estratto dal secondo album “Untogether” della band indie-rock shoegaze Letting Up Despite Great Faults.Il gruppo di Los Angeles ci offre una traccia non proprio innovativa che non ha bisogno di molti ascolti per coglierne le poche sfumature.





I can’t find me anymore but I’ll breathe faster this time now that I know you’re ahead grabbing me from the flames like drowning quicksand
I know you’re hiding in this spark, will you stay with me until they’re gone? We’re so close
Wait, I’ll watch the time, we’re so close, your spark makes me drive
I don’t mind waiting for you to say hello
I know you can take the day off, will you spend it with me?
I can’t find me anymore, new corridors
I can’t find me anymore, blank ammo swords
But at least I found you



Voto 5/10




Letting Up Despite Great Faults – Visions – Video Testo Traduzioneultima modifica: 2012-08-12T19:11:27+02:00da
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