The Moons – Jennifer(Sits Alone) – Video Testo Traduzione


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I preferiti di Paul Weller e Liam Gallagher tornano col secondo album “Fables Of History”.Il gruppo inglese di Northampton,The Moons,non nasconde i chiari riferimenti al pop-rock degli anni 60-70 e confeziona un disco quasi da cover band comunque con tracce irresistibili come il singolo attuale “Jennifer(Sits Alone)”.Finchè il primo duetta con loro in una traccia dell’album ed il secondo li porta in tour con i Beady Eye…




a distant planet wonderer
stares up at the paper sun
and dreams herself to sleep

wants to live on Jupiter
the biggest in the universe
and far away from earth

Whilst the people rush to new found lands
Jennifer sings to a different band
doesn’t agree with everybodys plans

So Jennifer sits alone
So Jennifer sits alone

cherishes the things she does
doesn’t care to much for love
no time to settle down

revolutionary ranger
avant-garde approach to life
that seperates her soul

Sitting staring at her paper moon
hanging from the ceiling
in her blue lagoon
hasn’t got the money to hang out with you

So Jennifer sits alone
Jennifer sits alone


Voto 6/10


The Moons – Jennifer(Sits Alone) – Video Testo Traduzioneultima modifica: 2012-11-08T11:06:00+01:00da lesto1982
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